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CW Pigment Powder Set - 12 Color(不含白色)

CW Pigment Powder Set - 12 Color(不含白色)

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


Uses Cosmetics, Soap, Gypsum air freshener
Container Diameter about 7cm, Height about 5.5cm
Packaging Width about 22.5cm, Length about 15cm, Height about 11.8cm
 20g, 30g, 50g x 12 colors 
Material Pigment
- Be careful not to blow powder and not to inhale through the respiratory tract.
- Do not work in a windy area, and keep it well ventilated.
- It is recommended to use a mask and gloves when using.
- When using for cosmetic purposes, there may be restrictions depending on the application area. (eyes, mouth, etc.)


The Beginning of Colorful Plaster Art!
Pigment Powder 12 Color Set

Here is a Pigment Powder that expands the color performance of gypsum.
It is a safe grade powdered pigment for use in cosmetics, soaps, and plaster air fresheners,
and is suitable for delicate and even expressions of various colors.

Reinforce intensity the color more vivid
with CW Plaster Liquid to aid in your plaster art!

You can create perfect and colorful plaster artwork using pigment powders.

Always wear a mask and gloves when working on plaster art, and keep it well ventilated.

Point 1. Product Composition

Pigment Powder 12 Color Set consists of 12 colors of about 20g, 30g, 50g of pigment powder. It is a safe grade pigment that can be used in cosmetics, soap, and plaster air freshener in the form of a powder that boasts vivid and deep color.

* There are 13 colors of pigment powder individually, and the color white is not included in the set product.Point 2. Vivid Color
As a powder, you can create vivid colors even with a small amount.
This picture is compared the color development of 0.1g and 1g of pigment powder based on 100g of ornament plaster.(Compared to color development, using CW Plaster Liquid, more vividly than when using water.)
If you mix an appropriate amount with gypsum, the color develops naturally, so test with a small amount first to determine the appropriate amount.Point 3. Smoothly with Fine Powders
Pigment powder is a fine powder, so it is easy to color by using a fine amount, and the color mixes well without clumping with gypsum.Point 4. Color Check and Safe Container
It is packaged in a translucent white container for easy color checking, and the color can also be checked through the sticker on the top
Point 5. Reusable Containers
The container's inner has coated, so you can refill them with the same pigment chips after use up, or you can also use it for other purposes after cleaning inside.
* Please be careful not to blow off the powder and not to inhale through the respiratory tract. It is recommended to wear a mask and gloves when using pigment powders. Detail_06_Pigment_Powder(2).jpg
Point 6. Luxurious Package
We cared about the material's function and also cared about everything from containers and packages containing materials, and we sure that it would bring you the design inspiration.
The packaging box containing the pigment has changed to a hard case to become more stable and robust. So you can reduce the volume by stacking it. Luxurious to using paper with a well-organized textile pattern in this product. A well-structured textile feeling pattern made it more elegant.
Point 7. Small Efforts to Protect the Environment
Using FSC-certified advanced anti-freeze using chlorine-free bleach pulp.
The olive-colored fabric-patterned package is durable for tearing and scratching.
The anti-fingerprint treatment makes pigment chips safe to store and use longer.

Pigment Powder 12 Color Set

Uses Cosmetics, Soap, Gypsum air freshener
Size Container Diameter about 7cm, Height about 5.5cm
Packaging Width about 22.5cm, Length about 15cm, Height about 11.8cm
Capacity 20g, 30g, 50g x 12 colors 
Material Pigment
Precautions - Be careful not to blow powder and not to inhale through the respiratory tract.
- Do not work in a windy area, and keep it well ventilated.
- It is recommended to use a mask and gloves when using.
- When using for cosmetic purposes, there may be restrictions depending on the application area. (eyes, mouth, etc.)


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