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#9 Cinnamon Color Block (CW)

#9 Cinnamon Color Block (CW)

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


Form Solid block
Size about 15~20g (for one block)
Uses Solid Color Block for Candles (Cannot be used for soap or other water-soluble materials.)
- One block can color about 6 to 10kg of wax.
- Opaque natural wax, such as soy wax, requires more amount to express the primary color.
- Before adding fragrance oil, please put the sliced color block and melt it at a wax temperature of 80 to 90 degrees Celsius.
*Please note that each color block box's color is for your understanding, and it is difficult to match the actual color of solid dye completely.


Change from Hobby to Art!
Cinnamon Color Block

Feel the power of color.
The Color Block easily expresses the candle's color,
and you don't have dyes on your hands.

When you melt the Color Block on high-temperature wax,
you can use it more cleanly!
You can purchase often used color as a single product
and refill the color block set easily!

Point 1. Product Components

It consists of a dedicated color box that prevents discoloration by light and a solid candle dye color block that can check the cinnamon color.

Point 2. Express pastel tone and primary color

Candleworks' Color Block can be expressed from pastel color to the primary color.
Based on 100g of CW pillar blend wax, it is divided into two-stage, 0.1g and 1g, so that you can check the color difference of the Cinnamon Color Block according to the concentration.

* The color is expressed based on CW pillar blend wax with the best color and durability. Please note that there could be differences in color depending on each wax's concentration when using soy wax, paraffin, gel wax, and palm wax.

Point 3. No more mess with color stains

The Color Block has a solid form that can cut with a knife or scissors, and the powder won't fly. It won't stick to your hands, so it is easy to use for children and beginners.
While the control of liquid dyes is difficult, color blocks can be used to blend pastel tones with different colors more easily. You can make a pastel tone with a small amount and express the primary color with a large amount.

Point 4. Color Block in the role of color guide

Candleworks Color Block Set is composed of 28 colors that are the best color to use, and each color block box acts as a color guide. It can be useful when you're planning to color and match candle colors.

Point 5. Individually refill the required colors

Additional Color Blocks can be purchased for each unit when you need specific colors.

#9 Cinnamon Color Block

Form Solid block
Uses Solid Color Block for Candles (Cannot be used for soap or other water-soluble materials.)
Size About 15~20g (for one block)
Characteristics - One block can color about 6 to 10kg of wax.
- Opaque natural wax, such as soy wax, requires more amount to express the primary color.
- Before adding fragrance oil, please put the sliced color block and melt it at a wax temperature of 80 to 90 degrees Celsius.

*Please note that each color block box's color is for your understanding, and it is difficult to match the actual color of solid dye completely.


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