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#24 Lavender Color Block Chip 40g (CW)

#24 Lavender Color Block Chip 40g (CW)

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


Uses Solid dyes for candles (not for use in soaps and water-soluble ingredients.)
Selling Units 27-color set (approx. 40g each)
Container size Approx. 7cm in diameter, 3.8cm in height
Capacity 40g X 27 colors
Material Dye
Product Features
- Easy to use because they don't stick to your hands.
- Comes in a design container with visible color for easy storage.
What to look out for
- Opaque natural waxes, such as soy wax, will be lighter in color and require more to achieve true color.
- Make sure to add it before the fragrance oil and melt the solid dye at a wax temperature of 80-90 degrees.
- Please note that the color of each color block chip container is for illustrative purposes only and may not be completely identical to the actual color of the solid dye.


Affordable and Easy to Use
[Limited] Color Block Chip 40g x 27 Colors Set

Our new Color Block Chips are solid dyes for candle making in chip form. 
They retain the benefits of traditional color blocks, such as the convenience of not getting on your hands and the versatility of color expression, and come in individual containers for storage.

Whether you're a professional or a beginner, candle coloring is easy.

It is a chip-type product that is offered at a reasonable price,
This set includes 27 colors, excluding white.  

This is a limited-edition product.


Point 1. Product Composition

The Color Block Chip Set consists of 27 colors, excluding white. 
It comes in a container with an inner coating for easy storage.

Point 2. Play With Color and Depth

The Color Block Chip can produce a wide range of colors, from pale to primary, depending on usage,
with adjustable depth and toning to create a variety of colors depending on usage.
The chip can display a wide range of colors, from basic pastel tones to primary colors,
by adjusting the density and tinting.

The color chart in the photo is based on 100 grams of CW Pillar Blend Wax,
divided into two steps of 0.1 grams and 1 gram, so you can see the difference in color based on concentration.

* Colors are based on CW Pillar Blend Wax, which has the best color and staying power according to our tests,
but please note that there may be color differences depending on the concentration of each wax when used with
Soy Wax, Paraffin, Gel Wax, Palm Wax, etc.

Point 3. Dyes are Unique

Color blocks are available in chip form, making them convenient to use without the use of scissors.

All the benefits of color blocks, but without the mess, make it easy for kids and beginners to use.
Solid dyes that don't splatter, making them great for pastel coloring.
Recommended for those who have difficulty controlling highly concentrated liquid dyes or are uncomfortable
with cutting up existing color blocks.

** Please note that the size of the Color Block Chips may vary significantly from color to color,
and the product is not eligible for exchange or refund.

Point 4. Sense of Color and Safe Storage Containers

The chips come in individual containers for convenient use and storage. 
Protected from direct light and dust, the chips retain their color for longer.
The exterior of the container has a color-coded design for quick color identification.

[Limited] Color Block Chip 40g x 27 Colors Set

Uses Solid dyes for candles (not for use in soaps and water-soluble ingredients.)
Selling Units  27-color set (approx. 40g each)
Container Size Approx. 7cm in diameter, 3.8cm in height 
Capacity 40g X 27 colors
Material Dye
Product Features - Easy to use because they don't stick to your hands.
- Comes in a design container with visible color for easy storage.
Notes  - Opaque natural waxes, such as soy wax, will be lighter in color and require more to achieve true color.
- Make sure to add it before the fragrance oil and melt the solid dye at a wax temperature of 80-90 degrees.
- Please note that the color of each color block chip container is for illustrative purposes only and may not be completely identical to the actual color of the solid dye.


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